Does drinking coffee make your hair grow faster ?



Does drinking coffee make your hair grow faster
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It’s hard to believe that your daily cup of coffee could play a role in promoting hair growth and preventing hair loss. Yet, emerging research indicates that the caffeine found in your favorite brew might do just that. Does drinking coffee make your hair grow faster and how you can use coffee to potentially boost your hair’s health and appearance. lets explore..

Hair Growth and Hair Loss

Hair is an integral part of our identity, often contributing to our self-esteem and personal appearance. It’s not just a matter of aesthetics, but also biology. To truly  grasp the intricacies of hair growth and hair loss, it’s essential to delve into the science behind it.

The Hair Growth Cycle:

Hair grows in cycles, and every hair on our head is at a different stage of this cycle:

Anagen (Growth Phase): This is the active phase where hair cells multiply rapidly, forming the hair shaft. The duration of this phase varies between individuals and is genetically determined. On average, hair grows about half an inch (about 1.25 cm) per month. This phase can last from two to seven years.

Catagen (Transitional Phase): This is a short phase, lasting about two to three weeks, where the hair stops growing and detaches itself from the blood supply. It then becomes what’s known as a ‘club hair’.

Telogen (Resting Phase): This phase lasts around three months. During this time, the hair doesn’t grow but remains anchored in its follicle while the follicle is relatively dormant. Toward the end of the telogen phase, the hair follicle re-enters the anagen phase. The existing hair strand is pushed out and replaced by a new strand of hair.

At any given time, around 90% of our hair is in the anagen phase, and the remaining 10% is in the telogen phase.

Various factors can impact your hair growth:


Your genes play a significant role in determining the texture, color, and length of your hair.


Hair growth tends to slow down with age. Hair strands also become smaller and have less pigment, leading to thin, grey hair.


Hormonal changes can affect hair growth. For instance, hormonal imbalances resulting from pregnancy, childbirth, menopause, or thyroid problems can cause more hair to enter the telogen phase.


A diet lacking in essential nutrients can lead to hair loss. For example, a deficiency in iron or protein can lead to hair shedding.

How Coffee Can Stimulate Hair Growth

The idea of using coffee for hair growth may sound unusual, but recent studies have uncovered compelling evidence of the beneficial effects of caffeine on hair.

Caffeine Targets Hair Follicles

The primary way caffeine benefits hair growth is by targeting hair follicles. Research involving human hair follicles in vitro has shown that caffeine promotes the proliferation of human hair follicles. When these follicles are exposed to caffeine, they tend to grow faster and increase in size.

Counteracting Testosterone’s Negative Effects

One of the significant causes of hair loss, especially in men, is the harmful effect of DHT (Dihydrotestosterone) – a byproduct of testosterone. DHT can cause hair follicles to shrink, resulting in thinner hair and a shortened hair growth cycle. Caffeine helps counteract this by inhibiting the effects of DHT, allowing the hair to grow in a healthier environment.

Extending the Growth Phase

As previously discussed, the hair growth cycle consists of various phases, with the anagen phase being the growth stage. Caffeine has been shown to extend this growth phase, which means hair strands have a longer period to grow before they eventually shed. This can lead to longer, thicker hair.

Enhancing Blood Circulation

Applying caffeine to the scalp and hair might also improve blood circulation. Enhanced blood flow ensures that hair follicles receive the nutrients they need, which can stimulate hair growth and strengthen the hair shaft.

Practical Ways to Use Coffee for Hair Growth:

Coffee Scalp Scrub: Using finely ground coffee beans as a scrub can exfoliate the scalp, removing dead skin cells and increasing blood flow. This method also allows the caffeine to penetrate the scalp more efficiently.

Coffee Hair Rinse:

After shampooing, rinsing the hair with brewed coffee can help infuse the hair strands with caffeine. This not only promotes hair growth but can also add a rich shine to the hair.

Coffee-Infused Hair Mask:

Mixing brewed coffee with natural hair masks can be a way to introduce caffeine while providing the hair with other nourishing ingredients.

Coffee-Infused Hair Products:

Due to the growing awareness of the benefits of caffeine for hair growth, many hair care products now incorporate caffeine. These can be an effective and convenient way to introduce coffee to your hair care routine.

Benefits of Using Coffee Rinses for Hair Health

A coffee rinse can enhance the appearance of your hair, adding shine and depth, especially for light-colored hair. Not only does it improve hair health, but a coffee rinse can also extend the hair growth phase, making hair grow faster.

Coffee Drinking: Does it Promote Hair Growth?

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Coffee is a popular beverage consumed by many around the world, and there have been a lot of claims and studies around its potential health benefits and side effects. One such claim is that coffee might promote hair growth. Let’s break this down:

Caffeine as an active compound:

Coffee is rich in caffeine, which is the compound usually linked to any potential benefits for hair growth. Some studies have suggested that caffeine can stimulate hair follicles when applied directly to the scalp. The mechanisms by which caffeine may affect hair growth include:

Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) Blocker:

DHT is a major culprit in hair loss, especially in male pattern baldness. Some in-vitro studies have shown that caffeine can counteract the suppressive effects of DHT on hair growth.

Enhancing blood circulation:

It is believed that caffeine can enhance blood circulation to hair follicles, thereby promoting hair growth. However, this is more speculative, and strong evidence supporting this mechanism is lacking.

Topical applications vs. ingestion:

While consuming coffee can indeed increase the levels of caffeine in your bloodstream, it’s unclear if drinking it has any significant effect on hair growth. Most of the research that supports the idea that caffeine can benefit hair growth looks at topical applications (e.g., caffeine-containing shampoos or treatments), not at oral consumption.

Using Coffee-Based Hair Care Products

Using coffee-based hair care products can potentially stimulate hair follicles due to the caffeine content. These products may promote hair growth, increase circulation to the scalp, and counteract the effects of DHT, a hormone linked to hair loss. The evidence is still emerging, and results may vary among individuals. As always, patch testing any new product is recommended to check for sensitivities.

Natural Ways to Support Hair Growth with Coffee

Coffee Scalp Scrub:

  • Mix ground coffee with a small amount of water or oil (like coconut oil) to form a paste.
  • Apply to the scalp and gently massage in circular motions.
  • This can exfoliate the scalp, potentially increase circulation, and provide the benefits of caffeine directly to hair follicles.
  • Rinse thoroughly.

Coffee Hair Rinse:

  • Brew a strong pot of coffee and let it cool.
  • After shampooing, pour the coffee over your hair and scalp, allowing it to sit for a few minutes.
  • Rinse with cold water. This method can potentially strengthen the hair and improve shine.

Coffee-Infused Oil:

  • Add ground coffee to a carrier oil (e.g., coconut oil or olive oil).
  • Warm it gently (without boiling) to infuse the oil with coffee.
  • Once cooled, strain out the coffee grounds.
  • Apply the oil to the scalp and hair as a treatment. Leave it on for at least 30 minutes before washing out.

Coffee Hair Mask:

  • Mix ground coffee with a hair mask or conditioner.
  • Apply to the hair and scalp, leaving it on for a few minutes to an hour.
  • Rinse thoroughly.

DIY Coffee Shampoo:

Add brewed coffee or coffee grounds to your regular shampoo. The idea is to boost its caffeine content and benefit from the direct application during your wash routine.

Applying Coffee to Your Hair

Before you start pouring your brew onto your head, remember:


Q: Is drinking coffee everyday bad for hair growth?

A: Drinking coffee in moderation is not likely harmful to hair growth, but excessive caffeine can have indirect negative effects on hair health through other health issues.

Q: How long does it take for caffeine to grow hair?

A: The effects can vary, but some might see changes in as little as two weeks, while others may need several months of consistent use to notice a difference.

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