can you use used coffee grounds for face scrub



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Yes, you can absolutely. Give your skin the love it deserves by indulging in DIY coffee scrubs. Ditch the store-bought exfoliants and tap into the power of used coffee grounds for a facial scrub that rejuvenates. Discover why every coffee lover should also become a fan of coffee scrubs.

Can you use used coffee grounds for face scrub? Learn how to harness the natural beauty benefits of coffee grounds and explore the wonders it can do for your skin and face.

What is a Coffee Scrub and Why Use It?

A coffee scrub is a type of exfoliating skincare product that primarily uses coffee grounds as its abrasive component. This natural, eco-friendly scrub offers a slew of benefits, making it an increasingly popular choice in both homemade skincare recipes and commercial products. 

Natural Ingredient:

Coffee scrubs are made primarily from coffee grounds, which are a natural byproduct of brewing your favorite cup of java.

Physical Exfoliation:

The texture of coffee grounds makes them effective at removing dead skin cells from the surface of the skin.

Reasons to Use a Coffee Scrub:

Deep Cleansing: The abrasive nature of coffee grounds helps unclog pores and remove deep-seated impurities.

Cellulite Reduction: Caffeine is believed to dilate blood vessels and improve blood flow, which can temporarily reduce the appearance of cellulite.

Improved Circulation: Massaging the scrub onto your skin can enhance circulation, which in turn promotes healthier, glowing skin.

Antioxidant Boost: Coffee is packed with antioxidants, which help combat skin damage from free radicals and environmental pollutants.

Anti-Aging Benefits: The antioxidants in coffee can also contribute to reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Natural Brightening: Regular exfoliation can lead to brighter, more radiant skin, and coffee’s acidic nature can help brighten up a dull complexion.

Smoother Skin: By sloughing off dead skin cells, coffee scrubs can leave the skin feeling silky smooth.

Cost-Effective: Making a DIY coffee scrub can be much more affordable than buying commercial exfoliating products.

Eco-Friendly: Repurposing used coffee grounds reduces waste and is a sustainable skincare option.

Mood Enhancing: The natural aroma of coffee is invigorating and can be an aromatic treat during your skincare routine, potentially boosting your mood.

Reduction of Puffy Eyes: Caffeine, when applied topically, can help reduce puffiness and inflammation around the eyes by constricting blood vessels.

Improved Skin Texture: With regular use, coffee scrubs can help even out skin texture and tone.

Moisturization: When combined with ingredients like oils and honey, coffee scrubs can also offer moisturizing benefits.

Is a Coffee Face Scrub the Best Exfoliation for You?

Coffee face scrubs have gained popularity for their natural, eco-friendly approach to exfoliation. These scrubs use coffee grounds to slough off dead skin cells, promising brighter and smoother skin.


Natural Exfoliation: Coffee grounds offer a chemical-free method to exfoliate.

Antioxidant Boost: Coffee is rich in antioxidants, which can combat skin damage.

Improved Circulation: The caffeine in coffee can enhance blood flow, promoting skin health.


Skin Sensitivity: If you have sensitive skin, the abrasive nature of coffee grounds might be too harsh.

Frequency of Use: Over-exfoliation can damage the skin, so it’s crucial to use coffee scrubs judiciously.

Personal Preferences: The texture and scent of coffee might not be everyone’s cup of tea.

How Can Old Coffee Grounds Reduce the Appearance of Cellulite?

Caffeine stimulates blood flow, and when massaged onto the skin, it can help tighten the area, making cellulite less visible. Instead of throwing them away, use old coffee grounds in your beauty routine and witness the transformation.

Easy DIY Coffee Scrub Recipes to Try at Home

DIY Coffee Ground Face Scrub


  • Used coffee grounds (ensure they’re cool)
  • 1 tbsp coconut oil (or olive oil, if you prefer)
  • 1 tsp honey (optional, for added moisture and antimicrobial properties)
  • A few drops of essential oil (like lavender or tea tree, optional for fragrance and added skin benefits)


  1. Mix the coffee grounds and coconut oil in a bowl until you get a pasty consistency.
  2. Stir in the honey, ensuring it’s evenly distributed.
  3. Add a few drops of essential oil for a refreshing scent and additional skin-soothing properties.
  4. Your scrub is now ready for use! Apply to a damp face in gentle circular motions. Avoid the eye area.
  5. Rinse off with lukewarm water and pat dry.
  6. Use 1-2 times a week for the best results.

Things to Keep in Mind:

  • Always patch test any DIY skincare recipe to ensure you don’t have any adverse reactions.
  • Store the scrub in a sealed container in the refrigerator if you make it in bulk. Use within a week.
  • Do not use on broken or irritated skin.

Coffee Grounds vs. Sugar Scrub: Which is Better?

Both coffee grounds and sugar scrub have their unique benefits. While coffee offers antioxidant properties and stimulates blood flow, sugar scrubs can be less abrasive and offer a smoother texture. Decide based on your skin’s needs and personal preference.

Storing Your DIY Coffee Scrub: Do’s and Don’ts

Creating a DIY coffee scrub is both economical and eco-friendly, but storing it correctly is crucial to preserve its freshness and effectiveness. Let’s delve into the do’s and don’ts of storing your homemade coffee scrub:


Use Clean Containers:

Always store your scrub in a clean, airtight container. This prevents contaminants from getting in and helps maintain the scrub’s integrity.


If your scrub contains perishable ingredients like fresh fruit extracts, yogurt, or honey, it’s a good idea to refrigerate it to extend its shelf life.

Label with a Date:

Just like food, DIY skincare products have a shelf life. Always label your container with the date you made the scrub so you can keep track of its freshness.

Use Within a Week or Two:

Generally, homemade coffee scrubs, especially those with fresh ingredients, should be used within a week or two to ensure they’re still effective and safe for your skin.

Use a Spoon or Scoop:   

Always use a clean spoon or scoop to take out the scrub. This will prevent water and contaminants from getting into the container.


Avoid Water:

Never let water get into your coffee scrub container. Water can introduce bacteria and mold, making the scrub unsafe for use. Always ensure your hands are dry when reaching into the container.

Don’t Overproduce:

It might be tempting to make a large batch, but smaller batches ensure your scrub stays fresh and effective.

Avoid Direct Sunlight:

Don’t store your coffee scrub in direct sunlight, as it can degrade some of its beneficial properties. Instead, opt for a cool, dark place like a pantry or a bathroom cabinet.

Don’t Assume It Lasts Forever:

Even if the scrub looks and smells okay, if it’s been sitting for a long time (beyond a couple of weeks for most recipes), it’s better to err on the side of caution and discard it.

Don’t Use on Broken or Irritated Skin:

While this isn’t directly related to storage, it’s essential to remember. Always ensure your skin is in good condition before applying any scrub.

What to Avoid When Using Coffee as a Scrub:


One of the most common mistakes is using coffee scrubs too frequently. Over-exfoliation can strip the skin of its natural oils, leading to dryness, irritation, and even breakouts. Limit use to once or twice a week.

Using Large, Rough Grounds:

 Avoid using coffee grounds that are too coarse. They can cause microtears in the skin, leading to irritation and sensitivity. Opt for finely ground coffee for a gentler scrub.

Scrubbing Too Hard:

It’s crucial to apply the coffee scrub using gentle, circular motions. Vigorous scrubbing can damage the skin’s barrier and cause redness.

Using on Broken or Irritated Skin:

If you have cuts, sunburn, or any other skin irritations, avoid using a coffee scrub until your skin has fully healed.

Not Rinsing Thoroughly:

Ensure you rinse off the coffee scrub completely to prevent any residue, which can lead to clogged pores and breakouts.

Ignoring Allergic Reactions:

If you notice any signs of an allergic reaction, such as redness, itching, or swelling, stop using the coffee scrub immediately and rinse your skin with cool water.

Forgetting Moisturization:

After exfoliating with a coffee scrub, your skin might feel dry. Always follow up with a moisturizer to lock in hydration.

Using Old or Moldy Coffee:

Always use fresh coffee grounds. Old or moldy coffee can introduce harmful bacteria to your skin.

Neglecting a Patch Test:

Before using a coffee scrub (or any new skincare product) all over your face or body, perform a patch test on a small area of skin to ensure there’s no adverse reaction.

Assuming It’s Suitable for Everyone:

While many people benefit from coffee scrubs, it might not be suitable for everyone, especially those with certain skin conditions. If you’re uncertain, consult with a dermatologist.

Upcycling for Beauty:

Turning used coffee grounds into a face scrub not only benefits your skin but also the environment. By repurposing these grounds, you’re reducing waste and finding a sustainable beauty solution right in your kitchen.

So, the next time you’re about to toss those coffee grounds, think twice. Your skin might just thank you for it! 🌿☕


Q: Can you exfoliate your face with used coffee grounds?

A: Yes, used coffee grounds can be used as a natural exfoliant for the face.

Q: How do you dry coffee grounds for scrubs?

A: Spread the used coffee grounds on a baking sheet and allow them to air dry or place them in an oven on a low heat setting until dry.

Q: Are coffee grounds safe for skin?

A: Generally, coffee grounds are safe for most skin types, but it’s advisable to do a patch test first to check for any adverse reactions.

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